Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the FAQ page! Here, we've compiled answers to the most common questions about our products and services to help you find the information you need quickly and easily. If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact our support team.

How can I be sure that it's helping my cognitive functions?

Scientific studies have demonstrated a correlation between increased blood flow to the brain’s pre-frontal cortex, which occurs during increased brain activity. This increased blood flow due to activity is scientifically linked to improved cognition – this is how Thinkie helps rejuvenate your brain. Thinkie games have been designed to be challenging and enjoyable while increasing your brain activity.

Some of the games seem too easy for me.

That's on purpose! Dr. Kawashima, world-renowned neuroscientist and developer of the Thinkie brain games, says "My research shows speed with accuracy is more effective than complexity. The games seem simple, but they are not. They are designed by neuroscientists who study what activities lead to more blood flow to the brain, and therefore work the brain more. Although it seems counterintuitive, simpler games are more effective for users of any age."

Does it matter the side of the forehead the sensor is placed?

Not usually, because everyone is unique, but you can try placing the sensor on both sides to see if your Thinkie score changes. Left-handed people use the right brain more for manual tasks, and vice versa for right-handed people, but brain lateralization is more complex than this simple dichotomy would imply.

Does the Thinkie sensor still work even if it's upside down?

Yes – orientation of the sensor does not matter, so long as it is not blocked by hair or anything else.

Which part of the brain is being measured?

The fNIRS sensor is designed to measure blood flow in the prefrontal cortex in your brain, which is above your left eyebrow. This is the part of your brain that contributes to human executive function and cognitive capabilities such as memory and focus.

How often am I supposed to play Thinkie games? Why?

As a rough guideline, we recommend using Thinkie for:
- 5 to 10 minutes a day
- 3 days a week
- 30 days

The primary goal is to achieve the daily goal of 270 Thinkie points over the course of several days each week, and to continue that practice for at least 1 month.

Research from NeU (a sister company to Thinkie) suggests that higher training frequency correlates with improvement in brain age and a longer-term rejuvenation effect.

Does using Thinkie actually improve cognitive function?

According to research conducted by our partner NeU, there is evidence of brain age rejuvenation of an average 3.7 years among individuals who used Thinkie for 3 months.

What are Thinkie points? What is their significance?

Brain activity is measured by the changes in blood flow in your brain in comparison to the baseline established during the 15-second pre-game calibration. Thinkie points represent the highest score achieved during the game out of a 100-point maximum. A higher number indicates a greater and more significant change in blood flow volume.

How does Thinkie measure brain activity?

The Thinkie sensor utilizes fNIRS technology, which uses near-infrared light irradiation to detect the presence of hemoglobin in the brain based on changes in light throughput measured through the skin. These changes indicate alterations in cerebral blood flow volume, which in turn reflect changes in neural activity. For detailed information, please see this article.

How accurate is it?

Thinkie's technology is built on nearly 30 years of scientific research and development. Extensive research and study were put into the product to ensure that it works (over nearly 3 decades, to be exact). Just remember, do not let your hair get in between your forehead and the sensor.

How can we know if our cognitive function is improving through continued use of Thinkie?

Conduct the "Brain Age" assessment once a month to calculate your brain age based on scientific and historical data. We recommend a monthly cadence to measure brain age accurately, as the result may fluctuate and give an inaccurate reading if done too frequently.

Does getting correct answer matter in any way when Thinkie Points are calculated?

Not at all! You don’t have to beat or win the games -- just try your best. The most important thing is to increase your brain activity while playing the games.

Is there any correlation with preventing or healing Alzheimer’s, dementia?

Thinkie is not a medical device and is not meant to cure any particular condition. However, our research shows that dedicated use of Thinkie can improve your cognitive abilities and overall brain wellness.

I played the same game twice in a row, but my Thinkie score was totally different each time. What could be the causes of this score variation?

This usually results from one of two possible causes:

  1. The Thinkie sensor measured too much brain activity during the calibration period (i.e., pre-game deep breathing). The brain activity score calculates the difference between the baseline pre-game measurement and increased brain activity occurring during games. For example, if the games are played consecutively, the brain may still be active (i.e., there may still be high blood flow) carried over from the initial attempt. This can lead to less measured improvement in the second attempt. You can minimize such lingering effect by calming down and taking deep breaths during the cool-down and baseline measurement intervals.
  2. It's possible that brain activity did not actually increase during the second attempt. If your concentration wanes, or your brain becomes too tired, that may reflect on your scores. In other words, if you’re not fully concentrating during play, your score may reflect that your brain is in a less-active state. We advise simply calming your mind during the next pre-game measurement period and trying again.

It’s also worth mentioning that both of these factors may be occurring simultaneously to differing degrees. Per Dr. Kawashima, the creator of Thinkie’s brain games, actual brain activity is often different from what we perceive. We recommend you use Thinkie multiple times, playing different games each time, to better understand your brain’s tendencies and learn how to maximize your results.

What is your corporate mission?

We are a new company whose mission is to advance the way the world views, understands, and improves its cognitive health.

Who are you? I've never heard of you guys.

We are a Seattle-based start-up owned by Mitsui Corporation, one of the largest companies in Japan.

What does the Thinkie system do to my brain?

The Thinkie Sensor does not stimulate brain activity. Instead, you do -- it is your own effort when playing the game that stimulates your brain. The sensor only measures brain activity (blood flow) while you are using Thinkie.

Why should I care about brain training and cognitive health?

We know that better cognitive health = better overall wellness for older adults and for anyone!

I'm not really good with digital games. Can I still use Thinkie?

You don’t have to beat or win the games. In fact, your Thinkie score is unrelated to how well you performed during play. More important is that you just try your best, as this is how you “exercise” your brain. The harder you work and the more often you play, the greater the benefit.

Does the Thinkie system collect any data from the brain?

The Thinkie system does not collect any type of sensitive personal data; it only measures blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. Each user chooses a username for their account, and each account has a unique identifier. The account name and its unique identifier are used only to track your Thinkie sessions and scores and to personalize your experience.

Is the Thinkie sensor safe?

The Thinkie Sensor is absolutely safe. The infrared light on the sensor is weaker than the signal sent from your television remote control. It is non-invasive and only measures changes in blood flow within the brain. These measurements are how you know your brain training is working.

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