
How Malissa Conquered Brain Fog and Boosted Her Cognitive Health using Thinkie

Meet Malissa; she is 46 and runs a small business in Washington state.

October 23, 2024
Nicholas White

How Malissa Conquered Brain Fog and Boosted Her Cognitive Health using Thinkie

Meet Malissa; she is 46 and runs a small business in Washington state.

October 23, 2024
Nicholas White

At 46, Malissa juggles her work, family life, and household responsibilities. With three kids aged 16, 14, and 8, her days are a whirlwind of school runs, work meetings, extracurricular activities, and family dinners.

Like many working moms, Malissa began noticing that she was struggling with brain fog -- difficulty in concentrating, forgetfulness, and feeling mentally drained by mid-afternoon.

"I started forgetting simple things, like where I put my keys, or what I needed to pick up at the store, or reading the same email two or three times, and struggling to recall the details of the meetings, "Malissa shares. "It was frustrating, and I felt like I was constantly running on empty. I wanted to be present for my kids and be efficient at work, but the brain fog made everything much harder. Ah, I wish I could be the younger Malissa who was so efficient!" she sighs.

Malissa decided to be proactive and began researching ways to improve her cognitive health. That's when she discovered Thinkie, a brain-training device that provides real-time visual feedback. The Brain Age Check and Brain Meter features of Thinkie immediately intrigued her. She was also fascinated by Thinkie's neurofeedback functions and wanted to learn more about how her brain was functioning in real time. Perhaps this device could not only help her identify when she was losing focus but also guide her to regain it, improving her mental clarity, reducing her stress levels, and improving her overall quality of life.

See Malissa using Thinkie on our Instagram channel.

Malissa says, "I was curious about how real-time visual feedback works and felt that Thinkie was worth trying."

What's more, she needed a solution that easily fits into her busy routine. Thankfully, Thinkie's brain training sensor offers a high level of flexibility and mobility because it's based on NIRS technology.

Malissa mentioned, "I loved that I didn't have to block out an entire hour to use Thinkie -- about 10 minutes per day was enough." She added, "I could do quick sessions after sending my youngest off to school or while waiting for my daughter's soccer practice to finish. It was easy to work brain training into a lull in my day."

Her verdict? "I love it, " Malissa says, "and I look forward to checking my Brain Age again next month. I hope my brain age decreases dramatically," she chuckles.

If you're struggling with brain fog and looking to regain focus like Malissa, give Thinkie a try. You can get $50 off the sensor, free first month's plus subscription, and free shipping using code LAUNCH2024.

Science Your Brain.